Unless you've been living under a rock, you have heard of the phenomenon of the Chewbacca mask lady. A week or so ago, a stay-at-home mom of two went shopping. She went into the store looking for one thing but, like many of us, came out with something totally different. She decided to share her find and laughter with her Facebook friends and family. Little did she know that over 140 million of us needed a piece of her simple joy. "We were filled with laughter and we sang for joy." Psalms126:2 The viral video taught me a lot of things. Candace (AKA the Chewbacca lady) taught me that life's simplest moments are oftentimes the best. We don't need millions, grandeur, or a fancy well-planned event to experience joy. It's in the everyday. And, while I knew this, I needed the reminder. Sometimes I rush through my days so fast that I miss those moments robbing myself of the joy that was right in front of me all along. "Train up a child in the way he should ...
A journey of life, faith, and their messy mingling