I lost Jack. Don't worry, he has been found but for the longest I'd say 8 minutes of my life he was gone. I was at the mall with two girlfriends and their kiddos. We were all having lunch at the food court when I stepped away to get some ketchup. Jack stayed behind with his friends. I was gone for maybe a minute and a half or so. When I came back he was gone. His chair was pushed in and empty. I began to panic.
One friend stayed behind with all the other kids while my other friend and I darted off in oposite directions. Others began to notice our panic and jumped in the search with us. I saw nothing in my direction, not even shoppers. I turned around and started the other way. I got to the carousel where I thought he'd be and he wasn't. At this point it took everything in my power not to faint. I felt like everything around me was spinning. I was so overwhelmed with where to look.
I just kept running, frantically asking people if they saw a little blond-haired boy with a light blue shirt. Frantically scanning the area I started to try and remember everything I could about what he was wearing and any other birthmarks or descriptions I could give because I didn't think I was going to find him. I was about to throw up but kept running.
By this time I am extremely far from where we were sitting. I thought he was gone; stolen or hurt. My heart stopped. I turned the corner and saw the light blue shirt. He was in the arms of my friend who was walking with the nicest man who found him. My knees wanted to give out. I grabbed my baby and did not let go. I think I squeezed some life out of him. I had him back in my arms. I didn't want to let go ever again. All he wanted to do was find his mommy and see the horsies(or so he said).
It didn't hit me, what had happened, until later that night. I lost it. I cried to Scott feeling such a sense of terror. I was overwhelmed with fear, anxiety, and grief. I have lost two babies this year and couldn't stand to think about losing my only living child. Thankfully he was safe and back in my arms. He will never be out of my site again! Lesson learned!
I am so sorry...that had to be so scary!
Gavin just told me that when he was about 7 he was lost at the state fair in Cali! I would have had a heart attack if I was his mom!
I think most of us have had our "lost for a minute or two" stories. I'm sure I have told you my story of losing Jenny as you two were growing up but here it goes again. I was in a store looking at a close rack and looked down and Jenny was gone she was about 3 or 4 at the time. I became frantic I asked everyone I could see but all I could think was that the escalator was right there and the other side was the door out to the outside mall. I had the managers lock the store down and when I looked everywhere with no result I went back to the place where I started, to my wonder and amazement here comes Jenny back to the rack looking like she new exactly where she was going. I asked where have you been (I didn't know if I should wrap my arms around her or be upset she walked away)Jenny said I was over at the window looking at the funny people who were not moving - you guessed what they were I'm sure!!
Dont' be hard on yourself they can get away in a split second. Thank you Lord that we found both of them! Love you Kathy
Don't be hard on yourself. Thank you Lord that we found them both.
Love You Kathy