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Showing posts from March, 2013

Dry Roots

"He opened the rock, and water gushed out; it flowed like a river in the desert." Psalm 105:41 Have you ever had one of those dreams that impacted you mightily? I have some crazy dreams. I often wonder where my mind goes as I sleep. Some are jolting, others joyful, and some I google in order to find meaning in the craziness. A few nights ago I had a very vivid dream. So real and impacting. I was intrigued how God moved in my dreams. Most of us believe God only came to people in their dreams in Bible times. I believe He can speak clearly to us in our dreams today. Scott and I were in our backyard at the new house. I bent down and pulled out a blade of grass. I held it up to him to show him the giant root that was brown and dry. So dry that I made a comment to Scott stating we needed to make sure we watered the grass when we moved in. I didn't want the grass to die and, by the looks of the exceptionally dry roots, the grass did not have much time. That dry root was so cl...

Wiggle, Wiggle, Tug

As the trees come back to life and the grass turns green I think of the classic story, "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" by Eric Carl. I love this story. I remember reading it as a child and now I share it with my children and the preschoolers I teach. As winter fades and spring blossoms I relish in the blessing of new life. I, too, feel as though I am ending one chapter and heading into another blossoming through all that God is teaching me. I, like that very hungry caterpillar, have experienced a journey of famine that led to an overflowing leading to pains and stretching and a time of seclusion so that He may do His great work in me. I have felt like I was in a cocoon. It was tight and squishy and dark and scary. Many times I tried to wiggle my way out too soon leading to difficulties I most likely would not have faced had I trusted completely in Him. But you see, I got claustrophobic and thought if I could only get myself out of this cocoon a little sooner I can breathe and ...