"Teach us to number our days, so that we may gain a heart of wisdom." Psalm 90:12 Let me preface this post by saying that I have ignored the prompting to write this one for far too long. I didn't want to write it because, for so long, I have feared death. I am not afraid of dying or Heaven. I am afraid of leaving my family behind and shattering their everything or losing someone close to me. However, when God wants you to do something He won't let you be until you follow through. So, here I sit; palms a little sweaty. Death is always present. You know it's there and eminent. There is no denying death or escaping it. However, most of us do not think about death on a daily basis. We go about our lives living it up not thinking about the end. Last fall I began a journey where God forced me to face death and I wasn't that happy about the journey to be quite honest. My adventure began with a series at our church that went through the phases of death. Then, at our...
A journey of life, faith, and their messy mingling