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Showing posts from March, 2008

We're not in Cali anymore...

Well, it happened. Our first tornado warning. We have had storms and watches but never an actual warning with a rotation in the storm. We had two major storms today; one way south of us and one that passed right through Frisco. I was home alone with Jackson. He was napping so I began to do my tasks that I do during naptime; one being dying my roots (yes, I'm not a natural blond). I had just gotten out of the shower when the meteorologists began showing the horrible storm heading our way! I began to get a little nervous! I called Mike and Bre and asked what they were doing when all of a sudden the sirens went off. I hung up, headed upstairs, grabbed Jack out of a dead sleep, grabbed some toys and the phone, and headed to our closet. Thankfully Jack's played in the closet a lot so he was fine going in there with me. I was trying to listen to the weather radio while frantically texting Bre to get updates (my satelite went out and they have cable) and talking to Scott on the phone ...

Monday Musings

"And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory..." 2Cor. 3:18 Ah, to be transformed! I love that I am always changing, growing. I don't want to stay in this place stagnant. I want to be renewed. We studied this verse yesterday at church and it was so refreshing. May we all grow, change, and mature in our walk!

Happy 22-Month Day, Jackson!

Jackson is 22 months today!!! Can you believe it? The countdown to 2 is on. He is such a blessing in ou lives! He is talking in full sentences, counting to three (and sometimes 5), learning his colors, and much much more! His new thing is to sing constantly! His favorites are, "Twinkle Twinkle," "Itsy-Bitsy Spider," and some rap song that Auntie Bre taught him.:) He is hilarious and keeps Scott and I on our toes constantly! He is a total boy and always into some sort of mischieve! We cannot fathom our lives without him! Happy 22-month day big boy!!! We love you!

Roadtrip~Mommy and Jack hit the road!

Yesterday I was able to drive about 2 hours south to Belton to visit my best friend, Jennifer, and her son, Jakob. We had such a great time catching up and enjoying some much needed girl time. The boys had a blast and even let us shop a little. Enjoy the pictures!!! Oh Tigger, poor Tigger! Jackson LOVED, wait, was OBSESSED, with the "meow meow." He'd run around like a crazy person chasing the poor cat he was so excited. Tigger meowed at our door at 7:30am this morning and Jackson sat up out of a dead sleep and said with a HUGE smile "meow meow." That was it. He was up. Tigger was a sport! Jack and Jakob hanging out:) Jack giving Jakob loves. Hmmmm....look at all that candy Jake! Watching a movie together.

Thursday Thirteen~13 Things I Have Learned This Past Year

1. I am not in control, God is 2. God really is faithful 3. Everything does actually happen for a reason 4. Change is good and is needed 5. There is nothing like the love of/for your child 6. Having a child changes EVERYTHING-for the good! 7. I have a truly amazing husband and partner in this life! 8. Trials stink but are necessary for growth 9. I can live in another state where everything is unknown and be happy 10. I am stronger than I give myself credit for 11. After tragedy you must live the "new normal" for your life 12. This country is a beautiful place with so much to see, learn, do, & people to meet 13. This life is much bigger than me and the here and now!

Wordless Wednesday~Where'd Jackson go?

Tuesday Toddler Tales

Every Tuesday my friend, Lindsay, writes a little anecdote about her toddler. I love the stories she shares and thought this was a fantastic idea. So, every Tuesday I will share a little story about what life with a toddler is really like! I hope you can all laugh a little and relate to the everyday new discoveries of being a parent to a toddler! Today I Made Jackson his lunch and placed him in his booster at the table while I made my lunch. Everytime I looked over at him he would give me a funny look and move his arm really fast away from his side. Well, I sat down and began to enjoy my lunch with him proud of how much he had already eaten of his hot dog. I let Jackson down after we were done eating and began to clean up. While doing so he began to look in the hole on his booster where the tray would go. I was curious to see what he was looking at so I peered in the hole myself. To my surprise I found a stash of hot dogs. That's right folks, he was shoving his hot dogs down the ti...

Happy Easter!

"Jesus said to her, 'I am the ressurection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die..." John 11:25-26a Ah, Easter. One of my favorite times of year. Spring is here and I get to celebrate and remember the foundation of my faith. I was so thrilled for Easter this year because Jackson is getting old enough to begin traditions and teach him the meaning of Easter. I had high hopes for Sunday. However, God once again knew better. We began the morning a little tired from the wonderful time we had with my sister and her kids. They left Saturday morning and we spent the rest of the day cleaning and prepping for our Easter day and the company that was coming. We were excited, however, to get Jack up and show him his basket. He has been asking for it ever since I brought it home weeks ago and "hid" it on a high shelf in my closet. He woke up and was very excited to get that basket and loved all ...

Family, Sweet Family

Lightning and thunderstorms did not prevent the Hall clan from getting to Texas. Amy, Jake, Josh, and Allison landed on Tuesday despite the crazy weather and the fact that they were the only plane permitted to land at that time. We were so very thankful and happy that they were able to get in. Jackson was beyond excited to see his cousins and aunt. His face lit up like it was Christmas! We had a blast and I ran them into the ground. We enjoyed our time together hanging out at home and in the pool (mostly the spa), seeing a movie, exploring downtown Mckinney, and driving to Oklahoma to visit Arbuckle Wilderness (a drive-thru zoo) and Turner Falls home of the largest waterfall in Oklahoma. We experienced lots of laughter and created some very special memories! We were so thankful and blessed to have them visit. Jackson cried when they left and still asks me where they all went! We are so very very blessed to have such a wonderful and loving family! Enjoy the pics of our exciting Texas ad...

Wordless Wednesday-Cousins

Um, did this author know Jackson???

Toddler Rules Author Unknown If it is on, I must turn it off. If it is off, I must turn it on. If it is folded, I must unfold it. If it is a liquid, it must be shaken, then spilled. If it a solid, it must be crumbled, chewed or smeared. If it is high, it must be reached. If it is shelved, it must be unshelved. If it is pointed, it must be run with at top speed. If it has leaves, they must be picked. If it is plugged, it must be unplugged. If it is not trash, it must be thrown away. If it is in the trash, it must be removed, inspected, and thrown on the floor. If it is closed, it must be opened. If it does not open, it must be screamed at. If it has drawers, they must be rifled. If it is a pencil, it must write on the refrigerator, monitor, or table. If it is full, it will be more interesting emptied. If it is empty, it will be more interesting full. If it is a pile of dirt, it must be laid upon. If it is stroller, it must under no circumstances be ridden in without protest. It must be ...

Happy St. Patrick's Day- My Little Hooligan

Cheese! I don't know...

Crazy Texas Weather!

Okay, so when we moved here everyone told us how the weather can change on a dime. We responded with a "ya ya whatever" and moved on our merry way. We've had our occassional thunderstorms but, for the most part, it has been fairly mild. Well, we got a taste of what everyone was talking about. Last Friday it snowed and with the windchill was in the teens and twenties. We were bundled up in hats and jackets. This Friday, however, I had to pull out the shorts and flip-flops. It was 85 degrees plus! It was a beautiful day and Jackson got a lot of much needed outside time. This is Jackson last Friday catching snowflakes on his tongue:) Fast-forward one week...Jackson in his shorts enjoying a swing and the sun at Gavin's house. Jackson, Gavin, and their "girlfriends" Jori and Kate having a lunch date. By the way, Jackson and Gavin went in Gavin's little pool at 8pm that night! Crazy!!!

Thursday Thirteen-13 Places I'd like to go before I die

1. Australia 2. Italy 3. England 4. France 5. Africa (African Safari) 6. Norway (I'm Norwegean and like to see where I came from) 7. Anywhere where I can stay in a little hut over the ocean 8. New York 10. Alaska 11. Grand Canyon 12. Mount Rushmore 13. Finally, I'd like to travel with my family through the east coast, visit the Baseball Hall of Fame and all the cool baseball parks back east (I'd especially love to watch the Angels beat the Red Sox in Boston)

Wordless Wednesday-Beautiful Day at the Park

Snow, snow, and more snow!

Our house...Breath-taking! My flip flops. I don't think I'll be needing these anytime soon:) Jackson LOVED the snow and cried when we had to take him inside. Wanna go for a swim??? How cold do I look??? Brrr! Scott and Jack making a snowman

Thursday Thirteen-13 Reasons why its fun to have a boy

1. They love their mommy! 2. They are SUPER sweet and smell yummy (well, at least after a bath). 3. They love to be silly and crazy with their friends. 4. They can never climb high enough! 5. They like to be dare devils. 6. They like to make messes. 7. They like to jump on the bed. 8. They wear their lunch on their head. 9. They LOVE to wear mommy's shoes! 10. They don't care if they have a bad hair day. 11. They eat their smelly socks 12. They LOVE to jump! 13. They get black eyes. Don't ask because I don't know. It happened somewhere between the time he went down to sleep and when he woke up.