Every Tuesday my friend, Lindsay, writes a little anecdote about her toddler. I love the stories she shares and thought this was a fantastic idea. So, every Tuesday I will share a little story about what life with a toddler is really like! I hope you can all laugh a little and relate to the everyday new discoveries of being a parent to a toddler!
Today I Made Jackson his lunch and placed him in his booster at the table while I made my lunch. Everytime I looked over at him he would give me a funny look and move his arm really fast away from his side. Well, I sat down and began to enjoy my lunch with him proud of how much he had already eaten of his hot dog. I let Jackson down after we were done eating and began to clean up. While doing so he began to look in the hole on his booster where the tray would go. I was curious to see what he was looking at so I peered in the hole myself. To my surprise I found a stash of hot dogs. That's right folks, he was shoving his hot dogs down the tiny canal when I wasn't looking. All the while I was praising him for being such a good eater. Little booger! I'm onto him now though!!!
The evidence. I found 4 hot dogs shoved down that hole. I had to use a knife and some shaking action to get them out. Hopefully I found them all!!
Once again flashing his "look how cute I am mommy" face so that I would only laugh and not get upset with him. He's got me pegged!