I look forward to the fall. Every year I wait for it like a kid waiting for Christmas morning. I love the big, bright, clear, blue Texas skies. The air is cool and crisp and the leaves begin to change to deep red, vibrant yellow, and burnt orange. The holiday season is on the horizon and I look forward to cooking, spending time with loved ones, and a house full of yummy scents. It seems, however, that every fall, my favorite time of year, I experience stresses. About two years ago, a very dear friend suddenly lost her sister in a tragic accident. She was a beautiful 30-something with her entire life ahead of her. At that time, Scott was traveling a lot. His co-worker was on a business trip and no one could reach him. Unfortunately, the man had a heart attack in his hotel room and had passed away. All I wanted to do was crawl in a hole and hold my family hostage keeping everyone safe and in a controlled environment. I wanted to keep everyone away from all the yucky stuff going on so t...
A journey of life, faith, and their messy mingling