"It's not a fake life, a religious commotion, but a living breathing portrait of Christ." Sam Deford There is a huge draw for "famous" Christians these days. Everyone seems to have a book deal and a microphone. The benefits of social media and spreading the love of Christ are innumerable. More people are reached for the cause of Christ than ever before. This is good stuff. However, us everyday Christians tend to feel lost in the shadows of the limelight. The Christian life is not one of fame. It is not a life glorified but a life surrendered. There isn't a pull for people to know you but instead, to know Him. A life built on faith speaks so loudly even when not a word is spoken. You don't need a mic or lights to shine for Christ. Your purpose is exposed in the everyday comings and goings. No one needs to shine the spotlight on you in order for your purpose to be fulfilled. If you are looking for a stage not a soul, then you are lost. We have value ...
A journey of life, faith, and their messy mingling