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I have some funny signs posted in my eldest son's bathroom. One is in regards to flushing the toilet. The other has to do with hanging towels. The sign about the towels basically says that a towel is a very useful tool unless you forget to hang it up to dry. If you don't hang your towel up after using it, it will remain wet thus being useless the next time you shower. I don't know how I may the connection between wet towels and faith but somehow I did. I began to wonder how useful our faith is.

Do we attend church to check it off our list or do we go to grow, to be moved, and challenged? Do we say we believe in Jesus to gain access to Heaven or because we desperately need Him everyday? Is our faith useful or useless? Am I utilizing my faith in everyday moments or only on Sunday mornings? If I am struggling in my marriage, with being a mom, or I am having an emotionally rough day do I dig deep into my faith or go it alone? Does my faith stay wadded up in a stack of notes from Sunday's sermon on the kitchen counter or do I live it out? My faith won't help me if I don't hang it up to dry. It is useful if I live it, feel it, access it. My faith is useless if I treat it like something else to cross off of my to-list.

2 Corinthians 5:7 says, "We live by faith, not by sight." If I believe in Christ and this whole Christianity thing, than my life should be lived by my faith and not the other way around. My circumstances do not determine my life. My faith does. The concept of faith instead of circumstances leading life's path may seem foreign. However, to the believer, faith is essential and the stepping stones on this journey. Hebrews 11:1 says, "Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." We cannot see God. We cannot fathom eternity. But, we know it is there. We are certain God exists even though He is not tangible. That's faith. That is what carries us through moments when we don't understand. If I allowed life's uncertainties to determine how I live, I would be an extremely anxious and lost soul. However, when I live by faith I can state that even though something may not make sense or is completely unfathomable it is going to be okay. Even when I don't understand, my faith will pull me through. I can't access that if I leave it in a pile on the floor.

We all feed something. We feed our fears, greed, peace, anxiety. Whatever we feed the most will take precedence and begin reflecting brightly in our lives. If I don't feed my faith, my life won't reflect my Savior and become null and void. What am I feeding? When I hear a message or read a passage am I allowing it to become a part of me changing me for the better increasing my faith or am I thinking about who else needs to hear it or laying it aside only to forget about it with no effect? Does my faith grow or become stagnant and useless? What am I feeding? What I feed is what I become.

"These have come so that your faith--of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire--may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed." 1 Peter 1:7 My faith has more value than anything. If it is that valuable, than why do I sometimes keep it in a heap on the floor only to grab for it when I am desperate but it renders useless because I haven't properly taken care of my faith? I need to take care of my faith feeding it so I may grow in my walk with the Lord. If I don't, it won't be there when I need it most.

Love & Blessings,


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