Yesterday, I wrote about the messy middle; that place where we reside most of our lives. We want to rush out of the middle to get to the destination not realizing that this is the place where God tends to be the loudest. We pay attention a little more to Him because we need him more in this space.
As I push against my middle, I often think I am not yet in or at his will for my life. A couple weeks ago I had an opportunity to do something outside of the home. It was something I could easily do; totally in my wheel house. But, I wasn't jumping at the opportunity. While it would be a blast and fill a void for me, there was something preventing me from shouting "YES!"
I sat on my little couch in my office praying about what answer I should give to this opportunity. I didn't want to say no and miss an opportunity from God stepping out of his will for me but I also didn't feel fully inclined to say yes. So, I stopped praying and told God I was just going to sit there in silence (SO hard for me) with pen and blank paper in hand. I asked him to speak to me instead of me jabbering at him all the time.
"Wait." That's what I wrote. "Wait. Your job is right in front of you." I began looking around for this "job" that was supposedly right before my eyes. A few minutes later, I realized I was staring at the wall in front of me. On this wall hangs pictures of my three boys. My job is right in front of me.
I suddenly realized God has granted me time to love those right in front of me. I have the ability and the time to love and serve my boys, my husband, my neighbors, our community, and our church. My job is right in front of me. It has been there the whole time.
I looked at my life as a stay-at-home mom as a season of life not necessarily my purpose. I envision my purpose to be fulfilled outside the home. Maybe this is because I had a career and went after goals and continuing my education before I had kids that I think the fulfillment of God's will for my life lies outside of my job as wife and mother. But that is a lie.
Too often we believe God's will is something we will eventually attain after we are done searching. I am finding out more and more that God's will isn't some goal to reach. We are living out God's will for our lives every single day. If you have breath, you are living his will.
This doesn't mean we don't dream, achieve, or journey in new directions. I will continue to go after what I feel God has placed on my heart. But, I will also live in the right now because that space is just as sacred as the future. His will for my life is right in front of me.
Wouldn't you know it that after my little chat session with God, he gave me opportunities to serve and love those around me. Of course I serve my family each day. But God opened my eyes to some other needs right in front of me that I may have missed if I was too busy with a new responsibility or still searching for that will of God for my life. The moment I had the time and ability to serve those people and put into action what was tugging on my heart, I felt the will of God for my life come alive.
God has a plan and a will for each of our lives. This will resides in the messy middle, just as much as, it resides in the end. Today is his will for you. Live it. Breath it. Do it. Be hopeful in it.
"This is the day the Lord has made;
We will rejoice and be glad in it."
Psalm 118:24
Love & Blessings,
As I push against my middle, I often think I am not yet in or at his will for my life. A couple weeks ago I had an opportunity to do something outside of the home. It was something I could easily do; totally in my wheel house. But, I wasn't jumping at the opportunity. While it would be a blast and fill a void for me, there was something preventing me from shouting "YES!"
I sat on my little couch in my office praying about what answer I should give to this opportunity. I didn't want to say no and miss an opportunity from God stepping out of his will for me but I also didn't feel fully inclined to say yes. So, I stopped praying and told God I was just going to sit there in silence (SO hard for me) with pen and blank paper in hand. I asked him to speak to me instead of me jabbering at him all the time.
"Wait." That's what I wrote. "Wait. Your job is right in front of you." I began looking around for this "job" that was supposedly right before my eyes. A few minutes later, I realized I was staring at the wall in front of me. On this wall hangs pictures of my three boys. My job is right in front of me.
I suddenly realized God has granted me time to love those right in front of me. I have the ability and the time to love and serve my boys, my husband, my neighbors, our community, and our church. My job is right in front of me. It has been there the whole time.
I looked at my life as a stay-at-home mom as a season of life not necessarily my purpose. I envision my purpose to be fulfilled outside the home. Maybe this is because I had a career and went after goals and continuing my education before I had kids that I think the fulfillment of God's will for my life lies outside of my job as wife and mother. But that is a lie.
Too often we believe God's will is something we will eventually attain after we are done searching. I am finding out more and more that God's will isn't some goal to reach. We are living out God's will for our lives every single day. If you have breath, you are living his will.
This doesn't mean we don't dream, achieve, or journey in new directions. I will continue to go after what I feel God has placed on my heart. But, I will also live in the right now because that space is just as sacred as the future. His will for my life is right in front of me.
Wouldn't you know it that after my little chat session with God, he gave me opportunities to serve and love those around me. Of course I serve my family each day. But God opened my eyes to some other needs right in front of me that I may have missed if I was too busy with a new responsibility or still searching for that will of God for my life. The moment I had the time and ability to serve those people and put into action what was tugging on my heart, I felt the will of God for my life come alive.
God has a plan and a will for each of our lives. This will resides in the messy middle, just as much as, it resides in the end. Today is his will for you. Live it. Breath it. Do it. Be hopeful in it.
"This is the day the Lord has made;
We will rejoice and be glad in it."
Psalm 118:24
Love & Blessings,