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Fighting the Wrong Battle: Revive Us

My boys like to pick weeds. Let me rephrase. My boys like to pick weeds in order to make money. When we redid our backyard, we decided to pull out a lot of the grass and make planters. Well, even though we removed the grass, it still grows through the mulch. The boys work relentlessly to remove the sporadic blades. They don't, however, get the root so the grass grows back the next week. Sometimes, the grass grows back more vigorous.

We are fighting the wrong battle. We are beating each other up with our words in this political battle ground increasing the crevice of division deeper into our hearts. We begged, pleaded, and cried for a new leader waiting for him/her to come riding in on a white horse ready to save us all. When that didn't happen, we all started looking around for the cameras knowing Ashton Kutcher was about to jump out because surely, we are being Punk'd.

We are fighting the wrong battle. We are pulling the weeds never getting to the root. Thus, the problems, issues, and immorality we face today has snowballed exponentially into a dire state of the union.

All throughout Scripture, people ask God for a leader. It is difficult for us to be led by an unseen God. We have this innate need for a physical being to lead us. Time and again, these leaders failed the people. They were human after all. Every time someone failed the people in leadership, they would cry out to God once more. We are these people. We search, plead, and cry out to God and to anyone who will listen arguing for the right leader to get us out of this mess. We feel hopeless. We wait for a Savior not realizing we already have one.

"For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." Ephesians 6:12

Our battle isn't with each other. Our fight isn't for the next right leader for our country. Our battle lies in the spiritual. We are pulling weeds instead of getting to the root. Nothing will change until that root is pulled.

Our fight should be for the Church. I am not talking about your church or mine. They aren't going to save us. They are tools like the soldier's sword but not the answer. I am referring to God's Church: the body of Christ which encompasses all believers. Our battle is for the Church to rise and be whole again; for unity to dominate not division.

We get back to the roots of our Savior which are: love God and love people.

We pray without ceasing. We love without borders. We open our hearts and our homes to EVERYONE; no walls allowed. We look to Jesus and follow him. We don't pick up our religion, legalism, or man-made traditions. We pick up the love of Christ that shows itself and nail-pierced hands and feet and walk with one another in unity and love.

You see, we keep picking the weeds never getting to the root and wonder why the same issues come back; why sometimes they come back with a vengeance. It's because we aren't getting to the root.

Revive us.

Our battle isn't this election. Our war isn't between red and blue or pant suit versus bad hair. Our battle is for the Church. We need a revival. The only way we win this war is by turning back to God. The only way the people of Scripture gained peace was when they surrendered to God.

Revival. It's the best weapon in this battle.

"For this is God our God forever and ever: He will be our Guide even unto death." Psalm 48:14

Love & Blessings,


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