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Let Them

Pick. Pick. Pick. Have you ever had one of those seasons where little things picked away at you like a crow picking hay out of a scarecrow? Eventually, you become depleted and fall into a lump of stress and exhaustion. You try to do it on your own because you know yourself and that you can handle this mess. It's only little things, you tell yourself.

I am horrible at something. Well, I am bad at a lot of things, but this takes the cake. Let's start with what I am good at, though. Always start with the positives, right? I am really good at helping others out. Need prayer? I'm your prayer warrior. Need me to run an errand, watch a kid, grab you something at the store? I've got it. Need a meal or surprise gift on your porch because you've had a rough go at things? Yep. I'm in.

Here's what I'm really bad at: letting others do this for me. I don't want to put anyone out. I feel like I can handle things on my own. It's not that I don't think I need people. I completely realize and accept my need for others. I am a people person. I struggle, however, with letting others help me; serve me.

Let them.

I learned that I have to let people serve me. Serving others absolutely fills my soul. When I can help someone out, I am so fulfilled. Not in a boost-my-ego kind of way. It's more of a feeling of love. Why then, do I not allow others in to help me? Why don't I allow others to encourage me to follow after my dreams, believe in me when I can't, make my family a meal when I am so fatigued I am ready to drop?

The past two months have been a season of pecking. One small annoyance and frustration after another. Expensive things breaking. Kids needing medical attention and not just for the common cold. It seems like something has happened every week since we got home from vacation in August. Last week, I was bone-dry. Another kid had another medical need and I was spent. I went on Instagram and asked for prayer. I couldn't have imagined what I would receive from one small post from a weary heart.

"You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love." Galations 5:13

I received prayer upon prayer. The hugs and words of encouragement poured over me reignited my soul. My load was lightened with a little crockpot kit which included a slow cooker liner and everything. I get to wear a beautiful bracelet a friend made me reminding me that I have people in my corner and on my team. I opened the mailbox to find a journal and a note encouraging me to follow after my dreams and to remind me that she believed in me...probably more than I believe in myself.

My spirit was jump-started because I let them. I let the people in my life into my world and they showed up. I had absolutely NO expectations. I just needed a little prayer. And the tribe showed up. They couldn't have done that if I hadn't let them.

We are called to serve one another. We are created to serve one another. Jesus is the greatest example of this. He came to this earth to serve. Service isn't one sided. I had to let go of my pride and thinking that I was fine and can do it all in order to allow others to use their God-given talents to lighten my load.

I think there are many reasons we struggle with allowing others to serve us. One of those reasons, I believe, is fear of disappointment. Instead of allowing others to serve us based on how they were created and their gifts, we expect them to behave as we would in that situation. Thus, we are disappointed when others don't show up the way we think they should and we shut down. We don't share our hurts, exhaustion, or heart out of fear of being let down and left to feel lonely once again.

Let me encourage you. Let your people serve you. Let them serve you in their own capacities not what you expect. Don't wait for them to show up the way you would. Allow your tribe to love you the way God created them to. Tell them your hopes and dreams so they can believe in you when you cannot. Give them an opportunity to do for you by letting them into your world of chaos. And when you do, brick-by-brick will be lifted from your shoulders. All you have to do is let them.

Love & Blessings,


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