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You know what I love? Normalcy. Summer brings the freedom from crazy schedules, long summer days, and last minute plans. It begs us to play in the water and eat far too many snow cones (or shaved ice or snow balls depending on where you reside). Summer beckons us to achieve sun-kissed cheeks and stay up late to watch the fireflies leaving the normal everyday crazy schedule behind. We long for the lazy days of summer as the school year comes to a close itching to turn the alarm off. Suitcases lie in wait hoping to be filled ready to go somewhere tropical or mountainous. Pools sparkle in the hot sun waiting for a canon ball. Summer is sweet; a welcomed reprieve.

I was making the boys eggs the other day while drinking my coffee. We had just come off of a week of going here-there-and-everywhere. For some reason, this summer does not feel lazy. We took off from the gates into activities and vacation. I am not one to fill our summers with camps and commitments. The kids need a break from the rigmarole of crazy schedules. And, quite frankly, so do I. But, for some reason, this summer has felt busy. So, it was nice to have a slow morning doing the mundane task of cooking breakfast. My body ached for normalcy. As much as I strive for something else, something more, something better, I always come back to the mundane.

Normal is where I live. It's where I breath and do life. I go on vacation desperately needing a break ready to come home to the norm at the end. I long for my bed, my kitchen, my washer and dryer, and the way my house smells. I like the routine; the rhythm our family has created together. I find myself, my God, and my people in the normal.

Our wandering hearts desire something outside the norm. We convince ourselves that there is more outside the mundane and begin the chase to find it leaving our souls depleted and empty not realizing the true life happens in the very day. There is so much life to be had in our mundane every day lives.

I scroll through Instagram and Facebook relishing in the vacations of my friends. I see their pictures of white sandy beaches and my toes long to be in the sand. My mind wanders thinking I need more than the comforts of my couch. But then reality hits, I get out there and get going outside the norm and I long to be back home.

Life happens in the mundane. Normal is where we live most of our lives. It's time to stop running from the norm and start living in it. That's where the good stuff happens: the snuggles, the family movie nights, ideas are spawned, precious conversations between spouses are had, children are loved and developed. Normal is where the good stuff resides.

I am currently sitting on my couch upstairs with nothing on our agenda. I hear one of my boy's talking to himself while he creates something with his vibrant imagination. I am listening to my other two working together to defeat the bad guy on their video game. It's boring. There's no sandy beach or smell of mountain air. But, it is precious because it is my normal and I love it.

Their is glory in the mundane. Life is lived mostly in this space. I want to see it, smell, it, touch it, taste it, and live the normal, boring, every-day-life to the fullest. I like the normal. It feels good; like an old pair of jeans that fits just right. Today, I live fully in the normal loving every last second of it.

Love & Blessings,


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