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Mondays are crazy. I call them manic Mondays and often sing the song in my head. It's the day where I try to get everything done. I don't know why I tackle the entire to-do list in one day when I have an entire week, but I do. I run here, there, and everywhere trying to get us back on track after the weekend.

I was driving from the grocery store to the bank when I noticed everyone moving around like little ants. It reminded me how the world looks so small from up high in a plane everyone scurrying about. Ants are incredible workers. They carry loads beyond what seems logical and all work together in an orderly fashion to complete their goal. They are annoying, but incredible little creatures. As I saw the man walk into the UPS store as I drove by, saw the woman jogging down the path, and slowed because of traffic, I felt like we were all little ants dashing from here-to-there trying to accomplish all our tasks.

If I am not careful, my manic Mondays can become just that: manic. I can lose sight of my purpose and quickly get wrapped up in completing tasks. What if I told you that your everyday was not meant as an compilation of check marks on a list? Life has more purpose and meaning than that.

"'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.'"
Jeremiah 29:11

Our everyday has purpose. We were built for meaning. Even the menial tasks have meaning.

Everything I do in my day can be a reflection of Christ. From waking my boy up in the morning to tying their shoes, and going to the market elicits some sort of response from me. I can be grumpy, frustrated, and in a rush or wake my kids up with a smooch and a song, tie their shoes and give them a word of encouragement, and smile at the checker instead of huffing and puffing because they are taking too long.

Just like the ant building their quarters for the queen, my daily tasks have purpose. I can live my life out with meaning knowing that I am here to show the love of Christ to everyone I come in contact with impacting more lives positively. As I scurry about like a little ant, I can pray, listen to a good podcast that challenges me and potentially changes my thinking for the better, and be kind on the road calming my soul down and filling my tank with goodness.

It's not the big things in life that have the greatest impact. Think about it. Those things that we see as extravagant are not the things that have built us. It's the encouraging word from a coach or teacher. The parent who believed in us when we couldn't believe in ourselves. It was the drive from that friend that enabled us to step out in our dream that had the greatest impact. If it's the little things in life that have the greatest influence on our lives, then we need to start paying attention to our daily tasks.

Your life has meaning. The mundane is where it's at. The every day checklist is where life is mostly lived. How are you going to find purpose there today?

Love & Blessings,


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