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Adventuring & Breakfast Tacos

I am learning a lot about myself this year. Maybe it's because I am in my last year of my 30s and about to hit 40 in a few months. Maybe I've finally gained some confidence under my belt. Whatever it is, I am liking this new me.

I am currently in Austin, Texas on a trip with my husband. It's a work trip for him and a "Mama-needs-to-get-away" trip for me. I knew there were some things I wanted to do (Hello, massage and pedicure), but didn't have a real plan going into this weekend. I also knew the hotel we were staying at but didn't know the exact location.

We pulled into the parking lot of the hotel and I scanned the area. Shake Shack. Yum. Nordstrom. Well, that's a given. There was everything at my finger-tips all in a beautifully manicured and confined space. This is my type of gig. Safe, yet fun.


My husband realized while we were at the right hotel, we were at the wrong location.

Good feelings gone.

All my glorious plans flew out the window as we drove away. Goodbye good shopping. So long yummy eats.

We drove to our correct hotel ten miles away in the center of downtown Austin just off of 6th Street. If you know anything about Austin, this is a happening place to be. The University of Texas is just down the road. You can see the capitol no matter where you stand in the city. If you want a good breakfast taco, you are in the right place.

I love Austin.

I also love my suburbs.

I had made a reservation for a massage at a location about half a mile from the hotel. My husband said to just Uber, but I decided to walk. I am totally addicted to getting all the rings on my Apple watch so I needed the steps. So, in went my ear buds, on went a podcast, and off I went. Of course I set out in the wrong direction at first. If you stick with me long enough, I will get you lost even with GPS.

I finally got myself headed in the right direction and made it to my destination with time to spare. I was pretty proud of myself. After my (glorious) massage, I was starving. All I could think about were tacos.

I found a taco place and ordered some chorizo breakfast tacos. They were A-MAZ-ING. As I sat there enjoying my feast, I realized I am liking this new me: the one who will venture out and explore all by her lonesome.

"For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline." 2 Timothy 1:7

God does not fill my spirit, myself, with fear or timidity. Instead, I am filled with power and love. I felt empowered as I ate my tacos by myself watching the city move past me. I loved exploring on my own finding new things in a place that is not comfortable to me. Every time I take myself out of my comfort zone, I grow. I grow personally, emotionally, and spiritually. I learn to rely on and trust my Father more when I take that step towards the unknown; taking it even when I am afraid.

While I was writing this, my sister-in-law text me. She has become one of my biggest supporters lately and I love it more than she knows. Her text was a quote and it read, "Feel the fear, and do it anyway." Here's to us feeling full of fear and doing things anyway; to us stepping out into the unknown knowing Who is going to catch us. I pray you all venture out of your safety zone and maybe have a yummy breakfast taco all by yourself!

Love & Blessings,


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