Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Matthew 28:19
The house is quiet. The kids are off to school and the husband off to work. I am still in my jammies; teeth not brushed. With coffee in hand, I shuttle around the house picking up toys, shoes, and lost socks. I straighten beds that little seven year old hands tried to make. I throw a load of laundry in knowing I will soon get distracted and forget about it having to rewash the clothes before they start to stink. I sit down to write the questions for our Bible study now in a time crunch because I tried to do too much in too little time. Welcome to my life.
In Matthew 28, Jesus tells us to go. He desires us to share the Gospel and introduce people to the love and grace we received; the precious gift of salvation. We look out into the world and see these phenomenal Christian communicators and think they've got this disciple-making thing handled. There is no need for me. I'm just a mom and a house wife.
Oh, but if you only knew.
We underestimate ourselves. We are led to believe that what we do in the anonymous spaces doesn't matter. I am here to tell you it does.
We don't need a platform. We don't need a million followers. Jesus is still seen, known, and felt in the anonymous moments. We have been fed the lie that we have no voice because we are unknown. We are not valuable to the cause because we just drive into work everyday. Folding laundry and wiping up sticky messes does not make disciples.
Lies. All of it. Pure lies.
and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age. Matthew 28:20
(emphasis mine)
Jesus is with you ALWAYS. He is with you in the big moments where your service for him is recognized and on show and he is with you when you make that dinner that nobody eats. He is with you in the unknown moments.
We all experience seasons where we feel anonymous. We are slugging through life completely unknown feeling forgotten, undervalued, and like we have nothing to offer. Can I challenge you? Those anonymous moments are typically the moments in which we serve him best. It is in the anonymous that we have no pressure. There is no bar that's too high to reach. In the anonymous, we can be ourselves showing the world Jesus in his most organic form: through his perfect creation of this imperfect being.
He sees you with the kids. He sees you behind the desk. He sees you being kind to that cashier. He sees you biting your tongue when you'd really like to give that co-worker a piece of your mind. He sees you love when it is really hard to love. He sees you cleaning up that mess for the hundredth time today. He sees you serving those people even though you never got a thank you. He sees you.
Keep serving in the anonymous moments. Those tend to be the most valuable.
He sees you.
Love & Blessings,
The house is quiet. The kids are off to school and the husband off to work. I am still in my jammies; teeth not brushed. With coffee in hand, I shuttle around the house picking up toys, shoes, and lost socks. I straighten beds that little seven year old hands tried to make. I throw a load of laundry in knowing I will soon get distracted and forget about it having to rewash the clothes before they start to stink. I sit down to write the questions for our Bible study now in a time crunch because I tried to do too much in too little time. Welcome to my life.
In Matthew 28, Jesus tells us to go. He desires us to share the Gospel and introduce people to the love and grace we received; the precious gift of salvation. We look out into the world and see these phenomenal Christian communicators and think they've got this disciple-making thing handled. There is no need for me. I'm just a mom and a house wife.
Oh, but if you only knew.
We underestimate ourselves. We are led to believe that what we do in the anonymous spaces doesn't matter. I am here to tell you it does.
We don't need a platform. We don't need a million followers. Jesus is still seen, known, and felt in the anonymous moments. We have been fed the lie that we have no voice because we are unknown. We are not valuable to the cause because we just drive into work everyday. Folding laundry and wiping up sticky messes does not make disciples.
Lies. All of it. Pure lies.
and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age. Matthew 28:20
(emphasis mine)
Jesus is with you ALWAYS. He is with you in the big moments where your service for him is recognized and on show and he is with you when you make that dinner that nobody eats. He is with you in the unknown moments.
We all experience seasons where we feel anonymous. We are slugging through life completely unknown feeling forgotten, undervalued, and like we have nothing to offer. Can I challenge you? Those anonymous moments are typically the moments in which we serve him best. It is in the anonymous that we have no pressure. There is no bar that's too high to reach. In the anonymous, we can be ourselves showing the world Jesus in his most organic form: through his perfect creation of this imperfect being.
He sees you with the kids. He sees you behind the desk. He sees you being kind to that cashier. He sees you biting your tongue when you'd really like to give that co-worker a piece of your mind. He sees you love when it is really hard to love. He sees you cleaning up that mess for the hundredth time today. He sees you serving those people even though you never got a thank you. He sees you.
Keep serving in the anonymous moments. Those tend to be the most valuable.
He sees you.
Love & Blessings,