Wings don't grow overnight. Thank goodness.
We work so hard to build strong roots in our children. It seems daunting to have to let them go and allow them to spread their wings one day. How do we even do it? How do we let them go when the time has come? I cannot even think about this without welling up. It seems so very hard.
It's amazing how easily we get wrapped up in the moment we are living. All I know is being a mama. It's like I was never anything else. I was always mom. I can't remember much of life before these boys entered my life and completely wrecked it in a good way. What else is there, anyway?
I like to watch other mamas mom. I am inspired and learn so much when I stand back and observe other moms in action. There is nothing like a mother. Thankfully, I am blessed to have women in my life that are a little ahead of me on this mothering adventure. I have watched them launch kids into the world over the past few years. What I noticed was that those wings did not grow overnight.
God is so merciful that he doesn't tear the band-aid off immediately. He doesn't just one day say, "That's it. The kid has got to go." And then your child suddenly leaves home for good. What I have noticed, instead, is that these wings slowly grow out of the roots we planted years prior. Day-by-day we are slowly letting go and they are slowly spreading their wings.
Therefore, just as you have received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in Him, rooted and built up in Him, established in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness. Colossians 2:7-8
Some of us are holding so tightly to our kids not trusting that the roots we've instilled will hold. If you have laid a foundation of faith in your home, those roots will stayed planted. The leaves may rustle in the wind and a few branches may snap off in the storm, but the roots will always stay.
We talk a lot about how quickly time passes. What we don't see is that God is gracious with time when it comes to giving our children wings. Slowly we let go a little bit each day. They go from infancy to rolling over and scooting around. It takes them months to go from liquids to solid foods. A year to learn to walk. A few years before they potty train and typically even longer before they start school. You still have a say in who they are friends with for the six years of elementary school. In middle school, they still desire to be in your house because it's a safe space. While the high school years elicit a little more letting go, they still return for advice and consoling when their heart breaks.
Wings do not fly overnight. It takes time for our kids to learn to fly. Relish the moments when you get to train them how to maneuver their wings so they don't fly into a tree. Build a strong root system in the faith so that when the wind swoops them up and they do fall to the ground, they have a firm foundation to land. And when they do finally manage those wings, stand back in awe at the beauty of the sight of them soaring.
Love & Blessings,
We work so hard to build strong roots in our children. It seems daunting to have to let them go and allow them to spread their wings one day. How do we even do it? How do we let them go when the time has come? I cannot even think about this without welling up. It seems so very hard.
It's amazing how easily we get wrapped up in the moment we are living. All I know is being a mama. It's like I was never anything else. I was always mom. I can't remember much of life before these boys entered my life and completely wrecked it in a good way. What else is there, anyway?
I like to watch other mamas mom. I am inspired and learn so much when I stand back and observe other moms in action. There is nothing like a mother. Thankfully, I am blessed to have women in my life that are a little ahead of me on this mothering adventure. I have watched them launch kids into the world over the past few years. What I noticed was that those wings did not grow overnight.
God is so merciful that he doesn't tear the band-aid off immediately. He doesn't just one day say, "That's it. The kid has got to go." And then your child suddenly leaves home for good. What I have noticed, instead, is that these wings slowly grow out of the roots we planted years prior. Day-by-day we are slowly letting go and they are slowly spreading their wings.
Therefore, just as you have received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in Him, rooted and built up in Him, established in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness. Colossians 2:7-8
Some of us are holding so tightly to our kids not trusting that the roots we've instilled will hold. If you have laid a foundation of faith in your home, those roots will stayed planted. The leaves may rustle in the wind and a few branches may snap off in the storm, but the roots will always stay.
We talk a lot about how quickly time passes. What we don't see is that God is gracious with time when it comes to giving our children wings. Slowly we let go a little bit each day. They go from infancy to rolling over and scooting around. It takes them months to go from liquids to solid foods. A year to learn to walk. A few years before they potty train and typically even longer before they start school. You still have a say in who they are friends with for the six years of elementary school. In middle school, they still desire to be in your house because it's a safe space. While the high school years elicit a little more letting go, they still return for advice and consoling when their heart breaks.
Wings do not fly overnight. It takes time for our kids to learn to fly. Relish the moments when you get to train them how to maneuver their wings so they don't fly into a tree. Build a strong root system in the faith so that when the wind swoops them up and they do fall to the ground, they have a firm foundation to land. And when they do finally manage those wings, stand back in awe at the beauty of the sight of them soaring.
Love & Blessings,