Mr. Grady has decided that this is the week of growing up. Once again he has not followed through on his end of the deal with his mommy. He was not to grow up so fast! Jackson did everything early and became this "boy" in the blink of an eye so I told Grady while he was in my belly that he has to stay my baby for just a little longer. Well, apparently he didn't hear me!
Grady-do LOVES to sit up!!! He giggles, smiles, and coos when he is sitting. He can sit on his own without falling over for a minute or two. He still has a bobble-head but he doesn't seem to mind.
Grady has also gotten the hang of rolling over this week. He rolls onto his belly and then gets frustrated because he doesn't particularly like being on his belly but can't get back over. He now sleeps on his belly which freaks me out. I have these horrible mommy thoughts that he's not going to turn his head to the side and just get stuck with his nose in the mattress. I have become such a worry-wart since having kids! I wake up more now than when Grady was first born just to check on him! Lol!
One more big development for Grady is his two teeth. This one threw me for a loop since Jack didn't get teeth until 9 months and Grady was not showing any symptons! The funny thing is that he is getting his fangs not the typical front top or bottom teeth. As soon as they really come in I'll try to snap a picture. He does have two more teeth that I can see right under the gums. So, it looks like he will have at least four teeth in the next month or so. Crazy!
We go for Grady's four month appointment on the 25th. I cannot believe he is going to be 4 months!!! Oh my! I love my little snuggle-bug more than words!!! He is just so sweet and such a little charmer. There is something in this kiddo's eyes that make your heart melt!
Ok mom! No more pictures!!!