How I long to live like Christ and wonder why it is so difficult; why we make it so hard. Why is the world so enticing when we only find real fulfillment in the One who gives us life? He is so good and gives me so much yet I chase this world like it is whom I serve. I see death, destruction, despair, loss, fear, chasing with no end yet the world is often times what I seek. Am I afraid of the life you have written for me? Fearful that this life may venture off the path of cultural norm so wrapped up into acceptance by society and not Heaven? I want more than this. I want You, to know You deeply and live for You fulfilled in every capacity.
2 Peter 2:21-25
"For God called you to do good, even if it means suffering, just as Christ suffered for you. He is your example, and you must follow in His steps. He never sinned, nor deceived anyone. He did not retaliate when he was insulted, nor threaten revenge when he suffered. He left his case in the hands of God, who always judges fairly. He personally carried our sins in his body on the cross so that we can be dead to sin and live for what is right. By his wounds you are healed. Once you were like sheep who wandered away. But now you have turned to your Shepherd, the Guardian of your souls."
As we look to this world, the government, and others for answers on a day that we remember and still do not fully comprehend, I pray we look to Him instead and let the Author and Creator of the universe handle the situation. He knows. He comforts. He restores.
I can't stop singing, "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty." Scott and I went to the "big" ultrasound today where we tested to see if our baby had Down's, one of the Trisomy disorders, or any neural tube defects. I must admit the palms were a little sweaty and the heart was racing a bit. As surreal as this pregnancy is, I don't want anything to be wrong with this precious life inside of me. Well, holy is right. The Lord is not just good; He is awesome! Our little baby instantly began moving and grooving for us showing off fingers and toes and a great heart beat! Even though I am on my third, watching the miracle of life on that screen NEVER gets old! It truly blows my mind every time I get to see our precious angels developing inside of me! The scan came out wonderfully. We got all positives on all the scans the doctor (who was absolutely INCREDIBLE) could do. Now we just wait for some blood work to confirm that everything is okay with our little boy. ...