My instructor told us our next rotation would involve burpees and planks. If any of you workout, you know that burpees are probably the absolute worst exercise ever created in the universe but quite effective. Today, however, he wanted us to do them on one leg. All of us looked at him like he had (clearly) lost his mind. He wanted us to do what? And this after punching and running, and box jumping, and lifting for almost an hour? But, we all got on our way doing our one-legged burpees. This exercise took quite a bit of balance and I knew immediately that I was more dominant on my left leg than right.
That was not the first time that morning the word balance came to mind. Balancing on one leg while trying to jump up, back, and into push-up position only solidified my thoughts on the word. I have been thinking about balance for a while now. We talk a lot about finding balance in our lives giving our energy first to God, then our spouse, kids, work, etc. But, I had other thoughts about balance. As we celebrate Christmas and the birth of our Savior in two days I wonder what balance should look like in our Christian lives in a commercial world.
I have read many articles and blogs throughout the season about Santa and Jesus and how many want to ditch the big guy in the red coat because he is too commercial and everything that is not Jesus. I wondered if this really was the way. Should I tell my boys the truth; that the man who gives isn't real? I pondered, worried, and fret that I was teaching my kids the wrong thing about Christmas. But was I?
My boys know the truth of St. Nicolas; that he was a great man who gave to many who had the least. They know he spread kindness to those many ignored. They also know that St. Nicolas is Santa. What they do not know that St. Nicolas is no longer living and never rode on a sleigh. Through the story of this saint, my boys have learned about kindness, giving, and sacrifice. They have felt that it is far better to give than receive through various acts of kindness we have done this month. The boys also see and believe in the magic that is Christmas and Christmastime. They experience excitement, joy, and anticipation. Isn't this what the people felt during the period of advent before the birth?
I think the boys and I have talked about Jesus, the manger, and His birth in some capacity everyday this past month. We talked about Mary, the star, the wise men, the shepherds, and, of course, Grady talked about the sheep. As they experience the wonder of Santa they also question and grow in their faith through the story of the manger. They excitedly get ready to make Jesus' birthday cake and learn that Jesus gave for us and because of this, we give. The presents, tree, lights, and decorations are for the greatest birthday party of them all; the birth of our Savior.
For our family, there is a balance. There is an innocence of childhood that I wish to preserve without taking away the integrity of our faith. Generally speaking, I think we, as Christians, are so quick to be different from this world that we exclude ourselves from the very purpose of Jesus' birth. He came for the world. Yes, we are to be "aliens" in this world abstaining from sin and worldly lusts. "Dear friends, I urge you, as foreigners and exiles, to abstain from sinful desires, which wage war against your soul." 1 Peter 2:11 However, this doesn't mean we gather together on our Christian island excluding those Jesus came and died for.
We are so quick to judge, take our kids out of public school, condemn those who allow their kids to dress-up and trick-or-treat, and surround ourselves with only believers that there is no one left to show this dark hollow world the love of Jesus Christ. The mercy only a Savior can bring is lost because we are too scared to be a part of the world He created at this exact time for His exact purpose in your life.
God doesn't ask us to remove ourselves from this world. No. He tells us to be different; to show this world lives that are so full, not of material possessions or things this world can offer, but so full of His grace, mercy, peace, and unending joy that they can't turn their backs on Him. Jesus was very much in this world loving on those people abandoned by the world around them.
Santa, for our family, is not all about what you're going to get. Santa is about giving beyond the material, believing in the magic of the season, and seeing the innocence of a child-like faith making Jesus' birth even that more exciting for these precious boys. So, as we come to an end of the advent and celebrate the birth we will find a balance and love those around us as Jesus taught us long ago in the manger.
"For unto us a Child is born,
Unto us a Son is given;
And the government will be upon His shoulder.
And His name will be called
Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
Of the increase of His government and peace
There will be no end,
Upon the throne of David and over His kingdom,
To order it and establish it with judgment and justice
From that time forward, even forever.
The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this."
Isaiah 9:6-7
Love & Blessings,
I can't stop singing, "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty." Scott and I went to the "big" ultrasound today where we tested to see if our baby had Down's, one of the Trisomy disorders, or any neural tube defects. I must admit the palms were a little sweaty and the heart was racing a bit. As surreal as this pregnancy is, I don't want anything to be wrong with this precious life inside of me. Well, holy is right. The Lord is not just good; He is awesome! Our little baby instantly began moving and grooving for us showing off fingers and toes and a great heart beat! Even though I am on my third, watching the miracle of life on that screen NEVER gets old! It truly blows my mind every time I get to see our precious angels developing inside of me! The scan came out wonderfully. We got all positives on all the scans the doctor (who was absolutely INCREDIBLE) could do. Now we just wait for some blood work to confirm that everything is okay with our little boy. ...