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Winter Funk

I drove down my favorite road in town past my favorite ranch and the trees were in full bloom. It was as if the buds opened over night. They were beautiful and a much needed sight. We had a mild winter here in North Texas. Most days were sunny patio weather until February hit. While January usually feels like it goes on and on forever, it came and went quickly. February, however, was a beating. The sun forbear to shine seeming to have packed his bags and bid his farewell to the northern section of our mighty state. The temperatures quickly dropped from flip-flop days to hats, gloves, boots, jackets, and scarves. We were stuck indoors because North Texans cannot pull it together enough to drive in ice and snow. We all enjoyed sleepy family days and too much hot cocoa for a moment but were ready to get back outside.

And then it happened. All of a sudden, as if overnight, the trees began to bloom, the grass shifted from yellow to green, and the birds started chirping again. Hallelujah, spring had sprung. And let me just state that spring is not my favorite. I am a fall girl. Spring brings on allergies and tornadoes that send me into the fetal position needing anti-anxiety meds longing for earthquake country where I came from. But, I digress. This spring is different and I have gained a new appreciation for the beauty in this season. I drove slower along my favorite little country road basking in the view of the horses out grazing on the newly green grass and astounded at how everything seemed to bloom overnight. It's crazy how that happens. We all long for warmer days and a greener landscape as opposed to the brown starkness of winter. It seems like forever is passing before we see that first bud and then BAM, the whole earth is new and fresh again.

Doesn't it seem like trials are the same? We are immersed in the yuck, the hard, the ugly. Forever passes and we are still there stuck in the darkness. And then one day, one day, we are new again. Our smile comes back. We feel a little normalcy return. Life goes from bad to normal and while we don't forget the tough road we just traveled, the pain has released it's mighty grip. Funny how that happens.

We have a little park across the street from our house. Half of the trees have sprung to life. The other half are taking their time awakening. Trials are like this too, I believe. Sometimes it takes us a little longer to pull through. Our struggle has a little tighter hold and we need more time to bloom. But, one day, we will blossom and be beautiful again. It just may take a little longer.

I don't think it is by accident that our lives mirror nature. Our God is a great Creator. Seasons happen in our lives and in our world. We can learn by watching the transition of the leaves from bountiful, to stark, to beautiful once again. Our lives follow that pattern. We move from fulfilled to empty and filled again throughout time. Yet, I think it's difficult for us to remember and find hope that we will see beauty when all that is in view is ashes. We won't remain desolate. While He may keep us in the dessert for a period of time to learn, grow, and be stretched, He won't keep us there forever. I think, or I would like to think, that one of God's greatest blessings is watching us go from bare to full bloom. He makes everything new: the trees, the flowers, and even our lives. So, as you watch the earth come back to life, remember that holds true for you.

He who was seated on the throne said, "I am making everything new!" Then he said, "Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true." Revelation 21:5

"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!" 2 Corinthians 5:17

Love & Blessings,


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