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Jesus Hoarder

I took one of my friend's to church a while back and for some reason, the one thing that stuck with me was her reaction to the congregation. She said it looked like everyone had walked out of a magazine. I do believe we have a very attractive congregation that exemplifies beauty far deeper than the outward appearance. However, her observation struck a cord with me. Do we get ready in our churchy clothes and live our churchy lives on Sunday morning looking pretty doing all the right stuff in our comfortable little churchy world hoarding Jesus the rest of the week?

The same friend and I had a pretty intense spiritual conversation yesterday and it solidified my fears. We are a bunch of Jesus hoarders. It's easy to talk faith and spiritual things with like-minded folk. It's a far greater challenge to go out and tell the world about the one who saves. But you know what? That's exactly what we are called to do.

I learned through our difficult chat that there are many false teachers out there. The media and society portrays Jesus in such a false way. The Bible even warns us of this. There are preachers preaching hate from the pulpit. There are protestors who claim to be followers of the Lord but say atrocious things at service men's funerals. There are many who claim to be Christ followers but are preaching the wrong message. And here we sit, in our cozy pew with our perfect accessories on in church never to speak of Jesus outside of those four safe walls.

My question is: who are you going to let win? What message do you want people to hear about Jesus? The one you know to be true; the one you've heard about and know for countless Sundays? Or the message that's being thrown about in today's world: a message of hate, judgment, and condemnation? If we hoard Jesus all to ourselves the world you desperately want to change for the better will continue to spiral out of control.

Joshua 1:9 says, "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." I have had some pretty difficult conversations about our God lately. I feel like I'm being put through the ringer like some kind of test. I feel completely unqualified to answer these questions about my faith but God is calling me to speak up for His truths (in love, of course). I don't have to be terrified because He will equip me. I don't have to give my opinion of His Word. I just have to speak His truths. He is with them when I talk about His Son. He gives me that promise.

"Therefore go and make go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." Matthew 28: 19-20

He calls us to go, teach, share the message of our Savior; not our opinion but His truths. Not how you manipulate the Word but how He teaches you. Be strong. Be courageous. And don't hoard Jesus.

Love $ Blessings,


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