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All Things New

I couldn't go to sleep. I was wide awake at midnight and if you know me well, you know I usually fall asleep around nine. I read, caught up on some shows, and finally turned everything off in order to try and get some shut eye. The moment I shut my eyes, my mind began racing; of course.

I decided to pray for two reasons. First, I know some people are hurting in a big way right now and they need big prayers. Second, prayer makes me sleepy. Maybe there's a calming peace that washes over us when we pray. Either way, I knew I needed to talk to God.

I began praying for the victims of Saturday's storms. Tornadoes whipped through North Texas so fast and with such vengeance, the storm chasers I follow on social media could not keep up with posting the warnings. People lost everything: their lives, their homes, their pets. I started praying for peace and hope and then I started praying for the church. As I was praying, I realized that the very words I was speaking were exactly what I desire for 2016. I usually post about the past year as it comes to a close, but I realized I want to look ahead instead. There is so much hope in a new year rushing in that I don't want to miss it by looking back. So, here is my prayer for you, for me, for the church, for our world.

Heavenly Father,

I pray an abundance of peace over our world. A peace that is unexplainable. I pray those suffering may experience comfort; the lost may find hope. I pray the church rises up refusing to fulfill what the naysayers shout. I pray the church walks humbly, loves, mercy, and seeks justice for the battered, the hurting, the scared, the lost. As we link arms and stomp our boots on the ground in protest in the upcoming year, I pray it's for those enslaved by unfathomable circumstances not because of a red cup. I pray that we stand united to love all lives, because each and every one of us is a child of God. I pray You teach us to love our enemies, those we don't understand, and those we fear for we know anyone and everyone should have an opportunity to know Your Son. I pray grace, mercy, and love moves us through our days. May our arms be wide open to whatever you have for us; the doors to our churches and our homes remain unlocked inviting anyone to walk thru them. My prayer is that the church can represent Jesus more than it represents ourselves; that we lose the culture and live the faith. I pray that people matter to us more than we matter to ourselves. May the world feel the release that comes from the freedom that is in Jesus Christ. May we be a little kinder, walk a little more humbly, and accept that is it okay when we disagree. When we are offended may, may it be over a child who lost their life because their parents were trying to escape the atrocities occurring in their homeland not because someone has a different political view. May we allow You to guide our steps instead of us forcing our outcomes. May our prayers be loud and bold and powerful. I pray we do not fear our world. Instead, my prayer is that our world will empower us to believe stronger, love deeper, and give more generously. May Jesus be seen more often by our actions than our words. I pray this coming year fulfills the peace, hope, and love that is all encompassing and only found in Jesus Christ.

In Jesus Mighty, Powerful, and Holy Name I pray.


"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "Plans to prosper you and not harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future."

Love & Blessings,


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