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Everything's Gonna Be Alright

I am a freak-out girl. Drop some bad news on me, tell me big change is on the horizon, or give me a tornado warning and I become all kinds of crazy. My dad will tell you of many moments when I would fall on the bed in a slump crying about whatever was ailing me. He would patiently listen to my woes and cries. He would then tell me to take twenty-four hours to process whatever it was I was struggling with; everything is a little lighter the next day. I learned to instill the "Randy 24" and allow myself some time to freak out and then breath. I still have a tendency to go into freak-out mode. Even in all my faith, I crumble.

I was driving the other day reminiscing about those lovely moments of complete and utter lack of self-control and the loss of all logic. I gawked at myself a little ashamed. Surely I should have matured enough in life and in my faith to not freak out as much in adulthood. While I have settled down a little, I still have my moments. What I have learned from living this life is that there is ALWAYS an other side of the trial. Always. The sun always shines the next day even if it is behind a layer of clouds. The rain clears and rainbows prevail. Life moves on. I have learned that everything is gonna be alright.

This world is all messed up. Hurt, pain, and fear can easily dominate our lives if we allowed it. We can easily become paralyzed with the daily tasks. When trials hit, they level us. And then we remember, we have been here before overcoming obstacles that set out to destroy.

I look back at my life and the struggles I have overcome: alcoholism in my family, parents fighting, financial distress in our family growing up, having to work so hard for every little thing, heart breaks, miscarriages, broken trust, broken relationships, parents divorcing. None of this broke me. I am still here. Still alive. Still thriving. Still breathing. Everything's gonna be alright.

My husband is going to read this and laugh because I am not, by any means, a recovering freak-out. I still have my moments of temporary logic loss. However, I have been through enough to know that there is life on the other side of the junk. There is hope and peace and beauty. Even if the worst happens, there is still life. Life may look vastly different and that's okay. It has to be. I will find a way to maneuver and adapt. Usually life on the other side of the freak-out is much more glorious than life before. Everything will be alright.

"For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 8:38-39

Love & Blessings,


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