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Tend the Garden

I was watering my plants out front. Well, I was watering what was left of my plants trying to save them. I caught a rabbit in the pot eating my plants the day before so there wasn't much left. I am hoping that if I continue to water and care for the vine, the plant will grow back. Time will tell.

As I was watering my plants, I worried about how I am not the best gardener. I do not have a green thumb. I have great visions and dreams about having a real garden one day. I want to grow fruits and veggies and use them in my cooking. I tried to grow some things last spring but it ended in an epic failure. I decided this year to keep it simple. I am growing some herbs and so far so good. I love going outside cutting some basil off and using it in my recipes. There is nothing like the smell of fresh cut herbs filling my home.

We are the garden. If we don't tend to our garden, to our souls, we shrivel up and die inside. We need care. We need watering. We need sunshine. If we are not tending to the garden of our souls, we become lost and can quickly move into dark places.

“Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it abides in the vine, so neither can you unless you abide in Me. I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing. If anyone does not abide in Me, he is thrown away as a branch and dries up; and they gather them, and cast them into the fire and they are burned" John 15:4-6

I used to think that all I needed was to go to church on Sundays to be fed. If I did a Bible study, my soul was overflowing. I didn't realize my garden needed daily communication with God until I got in the habit of reading my Bible and praying everyday. When I miss a day, I feel it. I see it in how my days play out. Nothing major happens. I am just a little off. I may get frustrated with my boys faster. I tend to fall into gossiping easier. I get lazy and don't give my marriage the grace and love it needs. If I am not tending my garden, my soul suffers.

Sometimes, my garden gets destroyed by things out of my control. Like the rabbit eating up my potato plant, life can eat away at my soul leaving the empty vine behind. John 15 gives me hope when this happens because He is the vine. No matter how many days I miss being in the Word or what life throws at me, the vine is always left. He is still there at my core ready to help me blossom and grow once again. I am not hopeless when the storms of life destroy the crop.

My garden needs tending. Church on Sunday and an occasional Bible study will help, but my garden needs more in order for me to grow. I need time with Him allowing Him to reveal all kinds of things in me helping me grow. I need challenges and set-backs so that the weeds can be pulled disabling their ability to choke me. I need people in my life that will help weed and feed my garden; true honest people that are a safe place to be vulnerable.

I am hoping my plants come back to life. I will try my best to give them the love they need to thrive. I may not be able to control the bunnies, but I will do my best to help my garden thrive.

Love & Blessings,


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