It happened again. Tragedy. And I had laundry to fold. Lives lost and here I sat feeling helpless. There has got to be something I can do; something meaningful to make this world better, more tender, more loving. But what? I have laundry to fold.
I live an ordinary life. I take care of the boys, cart kids from here to there, make meals, wipe faces, wash dishes, fold laundry. I volunteer and serve feeling a little more fulfilled and like I am contributing some sort of good to my community. Sometimes, though, I don't feel like it is enough. There has got to be something bigger.
I realized in this moment that it takes a lot of small things to have a great impact. All the big stuff we see happening, those causes for good that are trying so desperately to bring love and peace to chaos and pain, started with something small. Everything has a starting place.
If I stop and look around me, my starting place, my opportunity to try and make this world a little softer, is right in front of me. We don't need the spotlight to have an impact. We don't need a post or a video to go viral in order to create positive change. We just need to do and to be and to love.
I will take this ordinary life and make it extraordinary even if no one sees or acknowledges what I have done. I will teach my boys to ask for forgiveness instead of giving an empty "I'm sorry." I will open my home to those that tend to have the door shut in their faces. I will stop and smile or say hello to those most pass by. I will give of my time even if the task seems menial. We will love on others as a family learning the true meaning of service and respect. I will continue to type words of love, encouragement, and about Jesus even if just one person reads them.
We will have hard conversations; our home a safe place to land. I will ask my friends who look differently, live differently, and believe differently than I questions so that I may understand them better. When we make mistakes, we will give grace and allow space for growth. When someone wrongs us, we will still love and pray that we may find forgiveness in our hearts. When we disagree, we will still be friends for that is what makes our world so masterfully unique.
I live an ordinary life with extraordinary impact. My daily tasks and interactions can mean the difference between creating an environment of hate and fear or one of love and grace. The way I treat the server or the look I give the one who resembles those I fear matters.
“Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the creation of the world. For I was hungry, and you fed me. I was thirsty, and you gave me a drink. I was a stranger, and you invited me into your home. I was naked, and you gave me clothing. I was sick, and you cared for me. I was in prison, and you visited me.’ Matthew 25:34-36
My ordinary life will feed those who are hungry, give drink to the thirsty, invite the stranger and the forgotten or oppressed into my circle. It will give to those in need even if that means sacrifice for myself. I will care for those who are sick and give grace to even the worst offenders for His grace is sufficient for everyone. For when I serve and love on others, I am really loving Jesus. We can do big things in the small everyday moments. Our ordinary lives are extraordinary.
Jesus was a carpenter. Think construction worker of our day. He was someone you would typically pass by and pay no mention to yet he lived an extraordinary life. Yes, he was fully human yet fully God. We have that power, too. We have Jesus as our model and the Holy Spirit as our guide. I will pray the Holy Spirit be the Host of my home and my life. My ordinary life is made extraordinary through him.
Love. Grace. Mercy. Kindness. They all go a long way in making an ordinary life extraordinary.
Love & Blessings,
I live an ordinary life. I take care of the boys, cart kids from here to there, make meals, wipe faces, wash dishes, fold laundry. I volunteer and serve feeling a little more fulfilled and like I am contributing some sort of good to my community. Sometimes, though, I don't feel like it is enough. There has got to be something bigger.
I realized in this moment that it takes a lot of small things to have a great impact. All the big stuff we see happening, those causes for good that are trying so desperately to bring love and peace to chaos and pain, started with something small. Everything has a starting place.
If I stop and look around me, my starting place, my opportunity to try and make this world a little softer, is right in front of me. We don't need the spotlight to have an impact. We don't need a post or a video to go viral in order to create positive change. We just need to do and to be and to love.
I will take this ordinary life and make it extraordinary even if no one sees or acknowledges what I have done. I will teach my boys to ask for forgiveness instead of giving an empty "I'm sorry." I will open my home to those that tend to have the door shut in their faces. I will stop and smile or say hello to those most pass by. I will give of my time even if the task seems menial. We will love on others as a family learning the true meaning of service and respect. I will continue to type words of love, encouragement, and about Jesus even if just one person reads them.
We will have hard conversations; our home a safe place to land. I will ask my friends who look differently, live differently, and believe differently than I questions so that I may understand them better. When we make mistakes, we will give grace and allow space for growth. When someone wrongs us, we will still love and pray that we may find forgiveness in our hearts. When we disagree, we will still be friends for that is what makes our world so masterfully unique.
I live an ordinary life with extraordinary impact. My daily tasks and interactions can mean the difference between creating an environment of hate and fear or one of love and grace. The way I treat the server or the look I give the one who resembles those I fear matters.
“Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the creation of the world. For I was hungry, and you fed me. I was thirsty, and you gave me a drink. I was a stranger, and you invited me into your home. I was naked, and you gave me clothing. I was sick, and you cared for me. I was in prison, and you visited me.’ Matthew 25:34-36
My ordinary life will feed those who are hungry, give drink to the thirsty, invite the stranger and the forgotten or oppressed into my circle. It will give to those in need even if that means sacrifice for myself. I will care for those who are sick and give grace to even the worst offenders for His grace is sufficient for everyone. For when I serve and love on others, I am really loving Jesus. We can do big things in the small everyday moments. Our ordinary lives are extraordinary.
Jesus was a carpenter. Think construction worker of our day. He was someone you would typically pass by and pay no mention to yet he lived an extraordinary life. Yes, he was fully human yet fully God. We have that power, too. We have Jesus as our model and the Holy Spirit as our guide. I will pray the Holy Spirit be the Host of my home and my life. My ordinary life is made extraordinary through him.
Love. Grace. Mercy. Kindness. They all go a long way in making an ordinary life extraordinary.
Love & Blessings,