I feel it. Do you? Ready or not, change is coming. As much as we want to, we can't force time to stop. I feel it in my bones. My body, mind, and spirit are longing for it. The next season. The next schedule. The next opportunity. I am ready.
I was a change denier for so long. I refused and tried to run from change unless I felt I had some semblance of control over it. I like my cozy, comfy, knowing what comes next life thank you very much. No need to mess the covers. I like this perfectly made life. I married a change agent. My husband thrives in change. The first time he mentioned to me the idea of moving out of state, I absolutely lost it like a crazy fool. That was one of our worst fights in the twenty years we've been together. I could not grasp that big of a change in my life. Obviously, he won that argument because hear we sit nine years 1500 miles away from where I grew up. Ironically, I cannot imagine myself anywhere else in the world right now than smack dab in the middle of the country. And then there was that time I was in labor and my sweet precious husband decided it was time we make a decision regarding a career change for him. Should he take a job where he traveled, or one that moved us again? Good night. I am trying to have a baby. Ultimately, he (we) made the right call and the change became a blessing.
And then I felt it and I know it: the need for change. I was created for change. I am wired for change. God designed this world for change. We are in a constant state of flux. Our world, our minds, our bodies, our souls. We are growing, maturing, faltering, discovering, learning, regressing. Every day we experience change whether we acknowledge it or not. God designed our world to change as well. I don't think that was by accident. We can look at the seasons of our world and see how they mirror our lives. Something must die in us (winter) in order for something to grow (spring). Change is inevitable.
I am slowly but surely accepting this change agent in my life. I feel it today, these last few moments of summer. I was sitting at the kitchen table eating my lunch noticing that the air is changing. Do you notice it too? That smell that comes when fall begins to roll in? We all are longing for something new: a new schedule, a new outfit, new friends, new challenges. We've loved this season but it has done its job.
Change used to scare me. I like to know what's coming next. I like the predetermined and the expected. What I am finding, however, is that there is so much richness in the change.
I look back to when my husband and I met in 1996 (gasp). I was 17 just ending my high school career. He was a fresh-faced 23 year old just out of the Army. We had no idea what we were doing yet thought we knew everything. I loved that time but I look at us now a little grayer our faces a little worn, and see so much exuberance, depth, and a deep deep love and appreciation for one another. I can't imagine if time froze in 1996 and change never occurred. The man I see before me now is extraordinary and I am more in love with him today than ever before. That couldn't have come had I not let change come through my door.
As we venture into another school year in a week and the fast forward button gets pressed as time zips by, I will usher in this season of change with open arms. I realize now that with change comes goodness and richness and blessing. I am ready. Are you?
"For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven." Ecclesiastes 3:1
Love & Blessings,
I was a change denier for so long. I refused and tried to run from change unless I felt I had some semblance of control over it. I like my cozy, comfy, knowing what comes next life thank you very much. No need to mess the covers. I like this perfectly made life. I married a change agent. My husband thrives in change. The first time he mentioned to me the idea of moving out of state, I absolutely lost it like a crazy fool. That was one of our worst fights in the twenty years we've been together. I could not grasp that big of a change in my life. Obviously, he won that argument because hear we sit nine years 1500 miles away from where I grew up. Ironically, I cannot imagine myself anywhere else in the world right now than smack dab in the middle of the country. And then there was that time I was in labor and my sweet precious husband decided it was time we make a decision regarding a career change for him. Should he take a job where he traveled, or one that moved us again? Good night. I am trying to have a baby. Ultimately, he (we) made the right call and the change became a blessing.
And then I felt it and I know it: the need for change. I was created for change. I am wired for change. God designed this world for change. We are in a constant state of flux. Our world, our minds, our bodies, our souls. We are growing, maturing, faltering, discovering, learning, regressing. Every day we experience change whether we acknowledge it or not. God designed our world to change as well. I don't think that was by accident. We can look at the seasons of our world and see how they mirror our lives. Something must die in us (winter) in order for something to grow (spring). Change is inevitable.
I am slowly but surely accepting this change agent in my life. I feel it today, these last few moments of summer. I was sitting at the kitchen table eating my lunch noticing that the air is changing. Do you notice it too? That smell that comes when fall begins to roll in? We all are longing for something new: a new schedule, a new outfit, new friends, new challenges. We've loved this season but it has done its job.
Change used to scare me. I like to know what's coming next. I like the predetermined and the expected. What I am finding, however, is that there is so much richness in the change.
I look back to when my husband and I met in 1996 (gasp). I was 17 just ending my high school career. He was a fresh-faced 23 year old just out of the Army. We had no idea what we were doing yet thought we knew everything. I loved that time but I look at us now a little grayer our faces a little worn, and see so much exuberance, depth, and a deep deep love and appreciation for one another. I can't imagine if time froze in 1996 and change never occurred. The man I see before me now is extraordinary and I am more in love with him today than ever before. That couldn't have come had I not let change come through my door.
As we venture into another school year in a week and the fast forward button gets pressed as time zips by, I will usher in this season of change with open arms. I realize now that with change comes goodness and richness and blessing. I am ready. Are you?
"For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven." Ecclesiastes 3:1
Love & Blessings,