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Happy Easter!

"Jesus said to her, 'I am the ressurection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die..." John 11:25-26a

Ah, Easter. One of my favorite times of year. Spring is here and I get to celebrate and remember the foundation of my faith. I was so thrilled for Easter this year because Jackson is getting old enough to begin traditions and teach him the meaning of Easter. I had high hopes for Sunday. However, God once again knew better.

We began the morning a little tired from the wonderful time we had with my sister and her kids. They left Saturday morning and we spent the rest of the day cleaning and prepping for our Easter day and the company that was coming. We were excited, however, to get Jack up and show him his basket. He has been asking for it ever since I brought it home weeks ago and "hid" it on a high shelf in my closet.

He woke up and was very excited to get that basket and loved all the things in it! I got him the best cardboard book that tells the story of Jesus and the meaning of Easter. After the basket we all began to get ready for church. In the midst of this, Jackson dropped my stool that I keep in the bathroom on his big toe. We seriously thought he broke it. My thoughts were of the ER on Easter. However, he seemed okay, walked on it, and wanted to go "bye bye" so we ventured out to church. Jackson loves going to church!

We got to church and all was going well until the end of worship when there on the screen was our number letting us and the entire congregation know that it was our child who was crying and could not be consoled. Thankfully Scott went to see him and played with him while I got to hear the message. One out of two of us ain't bad!

We got home and Jack went down for a nap. Yipee!!! I thought if he took a nap he'd totally be into an Easter egg hunt when he got up. Nope! No sir-ee!!! He really didn't care that much about finding the eggs. We had to do it inside because it was so cold outside so maybe he was distracted. Who knows. At least Gavin had a good time and made us all laugh because he would find each egg, open it, dump the contents on the floor, and take what he wanted then move on to the next egg. Hilarious!!!

We did, however, enjoy our ammazing family and friends that came over. I honestly thought we'd be alone on some of the holidays but I have had a house full for most! I am incredibly thankful and blessed! Through all this God taught me that He doesn't want just one day of worship and attention but everyday. Some days I will be focused solely on Him and other days I will have to work a little harder to see and honor Him. All-in-all, I will always come back to Him and the reason that I live everyday-for Him!

I hope each and everyone of you had a blessed Easter remembering the real reason for the season-the hope we have in the resurrection of Jesus Christ our Savior!!!

Finally!!!! I get my "raf raf" basket!!! I've been eye-balling this in mommy's closet for week's now!

Jackson and his dragon from his Easter basket. He loved the dragon and stuffed rabbit, which he called a "meow meow," that were in his basket.

Jackson and Gavin and the first girl they have fought over, Macy. Aw, to be young and in love...

Jackson and his cousins Jake and Hailey. It was so wonderful to see them!!!

Apparently this is what Jackson thinks of the Easter egg hunt:)


Love the last pic! Little bucket head! Too cute! Looks like you guys had lots of fun too!
Shannon said…
I'm glad your Easter turned out great even though all didn't go as planned. It looks like Jackson had fun anyway. Hope you all are doing well!
Whitney said…
That last picture of Jackson is adorable! Thank you for sharing your Easter with us! We had a great time!

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