I went into my youngest's room to pick up the floor and straighten the beds. Their fish, Goldie, started swimming around like a maniac. I assumed he hadn't been fed yet, so I obliged and gave him a few flakes committed to not allowing the fish to die on my watch. I made sure I followed the boys' instructions for fish care implicitly. They have them taped to the wall in case one may forget. Three flakes of food. That is all this little Beta needs. Three tiny little flakes. How depressing. The moment I drop the food in the tank, he grabs them. If he had teeth, he would bite my finger. Hungry little fella. A little food for a little fish. Isn't this true for our spiritual life? We take in a little bit of the Word only growing in small amounts. We have good reason why we aren't reading our Bibles very much. Our schedules are overloaded. The kids are little and interrupt us every time we try and pick it up. We are too tired before bed at night and cannot, no matter w...
A journey of life, faith, and their messy mingling